High in protein & fibre
Lectin free

* lectin is a protein found in legumes known to cause bloating & indigestion

All essential amino acids
high in iron & magnesium
non gmo
Good for the planet

Lupins anyway?

If you have ever been to Portugal, Spain or Italy you might have tried it - it is very engrained in their culture to snack on lupins when drinking a nice cold beer 🍺

But more than a beer snack, lupins are one of the world's richest natural sources of combined protein & fibre.

& there's more

Did you know that lupins:

🌍 Can replace soy: as they are also a complete plant protein, and grow locally in Europe.

💧 Need little water to grow: as they can rely only on rainwater.

🌱 Add nutrients back to the soil & grow in the winter: meaning they are perfect candidates for crop rotation.

☢️ Grow in phosphorous-poor lands: meaning farmers add little to no fertilizers.

🐝 Foster pollination: as they grow in beautiful flowers that bees love!